Course Description

Research & Evaluation Specialist

Youth REX

Course curriculum

  • 1

    03A: 8 Formulas for Analyzing Data Using Spreadsheets

    • Downloadable Lecture Slides

    • 03A: 8 Formulas for Analysing Data in Spreadsheet Programs

    • Create a Simple Formula in Excel

    • Eight Formulas for Analyzing Data Using Spreadsheets

    • 8 Formulas for Analyzing Data in Spreadsheet Programs

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 2

    03B: Calculating Descriptive Statistics

    • Downloadable Lecture Slides

    • 03B: Calculating Descriptive Statistics

    • Pivot Tables

    • How can we avoid “Blaming the Victim”?

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 3

    Post-Module Feedback Survey

    • Instructions

    • Feedback