Course Description

Connecting Shared Knowledge to Youth Work!

Youth REX

YouthREX’s vision is an Ontario where shared knowledge is transformed into positive impact for all youth and the mission is to make research evidence and evaluation practices accessible and relevant to Ontario’s grassroots youth sector through capacity building, knowledge mobilization and evaluation leadership.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 3: The Action Phase of Evaluation

    • Welcome to Module 3

  • 2

    Lesson 05: Focusing & Planning Your Evaluation

    • Downloadable Lecture Slides

    • Lecture 05A: Focusing and Planning Your Evaluation

    • Lecture 05B: An Evaluation Plan for the NOISE Project

    • Lecture 05C: Qualitative, Quantitative or Both? Methodological Approaches to Evaluation

    • 6 Steps to Effective Program Evaluation Planning

    • Mixed-Methods Evaluation in a School Setting by Karen Cheung

    • Good Evaluation Questions: A Checklist to Help Focus Your Evaluation

    • Developing High-Quality Evaluation Questions

    • Evaluating a Strategy: Asking Good Questions

    • Evaluation Methodology: Different Ways to Collect Data

    • Qualitative Methods of Collecting Data: Gathering Descriptive Data from a Small Sample

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 3

    Lesson 06: Collecting Evidence - Process Evaluation

    • Downloadable Lecture Slides

    • Lecture 06A: An Overview of Process Evaluation

    • Lecture 06B: Youth Satisfaction & Program Quality

    • Overview of Process Monitoring and Evaluation

    • Process Evaluations: A Guide for Out-of-School Time Practitioners By Bowie & Bronte-Tinkew

    • Developing Process Evaluation Questions

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 4

    Lesson 07: Collective Evidence - Outcome Evaluation

    • Downloadable Lecture Slides

    • Lecture 07A: An Overview of Outcome Evaluation

    • Lecture 07B: Understanding & Selecting Outcome Measures

    • Lecture 07C: Creative Data Collection Methods

    • NEW Art Reach Toronto Toolkit Link (slide 16 of Lesson 7C)

    • Planning and Conducting a Survey

    • Afterschool Youth Outcomes Inventory developed by Partnership for After School Education

    • Your Project and its Outcomes

    • ​What Outcomes Measures Did for Me: A Poem

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 5

    Lesson 08: Analyzing & Interpreting Quantitative Data

    • Downloadable Lecture Slides

    • Lecture 08A: Getting Started with Making Sense of Your Data

    • Lecture 08B: Quantitative Analysis: Charts, Tables & Descriptive Statistics

    • Lecture 08C: Where Do the Data Go? Using Spreadsheets to Manage Youth Program Evaluation Data

    • Demonstration: Analyzing Participant Demographics

    • Demonstration: Analyzing Attendance Survey and Graphs

    • Demonstration: Using Excel to Manage and Analyze Data

    • Using Excel for Analyzing Survey Questionnaires

    • Finding a 'Factoid' Story Worksheet

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 6

    Lesson 09: Analyzing & Interpreting Qualitative Data

    • Downloaded Lecture Slides

    • Lesson 09A: Overview of Qualitative Data Analysis

    • Lesson 09B: Interpreting and Making Sense of Qualitative Data

    • Analyzing Qualitative Data for Evaluation

    • Analyzing Qualitative Data by Program Development & Evaluation UWEX

    • What Qualitative Data Analysis software can and can’t do for you

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 7

    Post Module Feedback Survey

    • Instructions

    • Feedback