Course Description

Connecting Shared Knowledge to Youth Work!

Youth REX

YouthREX’s vision is an Ontario where shared knowledge is transformed into positive impact for all youth and the mission is to make research evidence and evaluation practices accessible and relevant to Ontario’s grassroots youth sector through capacity building, knowledge mobilization and evaluation leadership.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module Two: The Discovery Phase of Evaluation

    • Welcome to Module 2

  • 2

    Lesson 03: Pre-Evaluation Check up

    • Downloadable Lecture Slides

    • Lecture 03A: Understanding your Program's Capacity for Evaluation

    • Lecture 03B: Engaging Stakeholders in Evaluation

    • Lecture 03C: Engaging Youth in Evaluation

    • Lecture 03D: What We Learned about Engaging Youth in Program Evaluation: A Case Study

    • Program Evaluation: How To Do It?​

    • Engaging Youth In Research And Evaluation: Benefits For Youth & Organizations

    • Lecture 03D Resource

    • Stakeholder Planning Matrix (cue card)

    • Stakeholder Identification (cue card)

    • Stakeholder Analysis

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 3

    Lesson 04: Understanding Your Program Using Logic Modules

    • Downloadable Lecture Slides

    • Lecture 04A: Understanding your Program

    • Lecture 04B: Understanding your Program Theory-Using Program Logic Models

    • DIY Toolkit: Theory Of Change

    • Can life be logical? Lucia Cucinotta at TEDxTiznit

    • Checklist: Critical Elements in a High-Quality Logic Model

    • W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide

    • Logic Model Template

    • Utilizing Logic Models for Program Design and Evaluation

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

    • Reflect and Share: Discussion Board

  • 4

    Post Module Feedback Survey

    • Instructions

    • Feedback