Course Description

This section provides a bank of resources including reports, videos, tools and templates that you may find useful when working through this certificate or when conducting your own program evaluation. The resources are sorted by lesson so that it is easy for you to navigate through.

Connecting Shared Knowledge to Youth Work!

Youth REX

YouthREX’s vision is an Ontario where shared knowledge is transformed into positive impact for all youth and the mission is to make research evidence and evaluation practices accessible and relevant to Ontario’s grassroots youth sector through capacity building, knowledge mobilization and evaluation leadership.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Learn More: Resources

    • Welcome to the Learn More Library

    • Online Program Evaluation Certificate Outline: Learn More

    • Canadian Evaluation Society - Ontario Overview

  • 2

    Lesson 01: The Evaluation Context

    • Stepping Stones: A Resource on Youth Development

    • Stepping Up 2015 Annual Report

    • Stepping Up Overview Factsheet

    • Stepping Up Health and Wellness Factsheet

    • Stepping Up Strong Supportive Friends and Families Factsheet

    • Stepping Up Education, Training & Apprenticeships Factsheet

    • Stepping Up Employment & Entrepreneurship Factsheet

    • Stepping Up Diversity, Social Inclusion & Safety Factsheet

    • Stepping Up Civic Engagement and Youth Leadership Factsheet

    • Stepping Up Coordinated and Youth Friendly Communities Factsheet

    • PosYthDevel

    • Research to Results: Ways to Promote the Positive Development of Children and Youth

    • Youth-Positive-Devlopment

  • 3

    Lesson 02: What, Why, & How: The Fundamentals of Program Evaluation

    • The One Constant in Evaluation: Politics by Michael Quinn Patton

    • YouthREX CES ServicePledge

    • Child Youth Outcome Handbook by Sabatelli & Anderson

    • Tri-Council Policy Statement Ethical Conduct Involving Human Subjects

    • Community Research Ethics Office Template of Informed Consent

    • NREPP's Non-Researcher’s Guide to Evidence-Based Program Evaluation

    • Community Asset Mapping Workbook

    • Action_Module 1_Ethical principles for conducting research with human participants

    • CES-ServicePledge

    • ChildYouthOutcomeHandbook2005

    • CREO-template-of-informed-consent-form

    • Discovery_Module 1_Evidence Based Programs

    • Discovery_Module 1_Utilization focused checklist

    • Discovery_Module 2_Asset Mapping Tool 2-Example

    • ethics_presentation_OCECYMH2

    • Informed Consent

    • Sampleconsentletterandchecklist2016

    • TCPS_2_FINAL_Web

    • YouthREX - NREPPEvaluationCourse

    • YouthREXEvaluationFramework-1443924316918

  • 4

    Lesson 03: Re-Evaluation Check-Up

    • Discovery_Module 1_Participatory Action Research (grantcraft0

    • Discovery_Module 2_A guide to engaging stakeholders in developing evaluation questions

    • Discovery_Module 2_Asset Mapping Too-Example

    • Discovery_Module 2_Evaluability Assessment-is your program ready

    • Stakeholder Analysis_PowerInterestGrid

    • Who Wants to Know - Tips for Conducting Program Evaluation Issue 2, Fact Sheet

    • yet_evaluation_tool

    • Youth_Engagement_Toolkit

    • 03D_Groundwell Case Study-Supplemental Material

    • YouthREX - CB - Rationale for Youth Involvement in Evaluation

    • YouthREX - CES - CreateGraciousSpaceWhichYouth ndAdultsAreValued

    • YouthREX - CES - EvalCapacityAssessJDC

    • YouthREX - CES - ReflectImproveEvalToolkit

    • YouthREX - CES - YAP-eval-guide

    • YouthREX - KM - JBCEvalCapBuilding

    • YouthREX_Advanced Engagement

    • YouthREX_Stakeholder Identification_cue card

    • YouthREX_Stakeholder Planning Matrix_cue card

    • YouthREXEvaluationFramework-1443924316918

  • 5

    Lesson 04: Understanding your Program Theory Using Logic Models

    • Logic Model Stairway Example Girls Wiki Club

    • Mapping Change

    • My Rich Uncle Activity Sheet

    • Sample Logic Model-Booktrust Summer Active Reading Program

    • Program Development and Evaluation University of Wisconsin-Extension Logic Model Resources

    • Webinar: Making Logic Models Work for Grassroots Youth Programs in Ontario

  • 6

    Lesson 05: Planning & Focusing your Evaluation

    • Grant Writing Tutorial - Writing the Evaluation Plan

    • WEBINAR: Developing an Evaluation Plan by APIAHF

    • Developing an Effective Evaluation Plan

    • A Practical Guide for Engaging Stakeholders in Developing Evaluation Questions

    • A Practical Guide for Engaging Stakeholders in Developing Evaluation Questions

    • Data Collection Methods for Evaluation- Document Review

    • Harvard Family Research Project: Detangling Data Collection: Methods for Gathering Data

    • Triangulation-Jick

    • Triangulation-Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

  • 7

    Lesson 06: Collecting Evidence--Process Evaluation

    • Process Evaluation

    • $15K Challenge Project: An Evaluation of Victim Services of Leeds and Grenville's Youth Program

    • Qualitative analysis of interview data: A step-by-step guide

    • Process Monitoring and Evaluation

    • Measuring Youth Program Quality

    • YouthREX Inventory of resources

    • Measuring Quality in Youth Development Programs

  • 8

    Lesson 07: Collecting Evidence -- Outcome Evaluation

    • WEBINAR: Designing Pre and Post Tests to Measure Program Outcomes by APIAHF

    • Differentiating Outputs From Outcomes

    • Three Promising Practices to Make Program Evaluation with Indigenous Youth Meaningful

    • Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health-Qualitative Interviewing

    • Art Jams: Evaluation Outside the Lines

    • The Compass- Your Guide to Social Impact Measurement by the Centre for Social Impact

    • Art-based Evaluation Toolkit

    • "i bloomed here": A Guide for Conducting Photovoice with Youth Receiving Culturallyand Community-based Services

  • 9

    Lesson 08: Analyzing & Interpreting Quantitative Data

    • Webinar: Data Wrangling for Youth Program Evaluation: Part 1 Using Spreadsheets to Manage your Data

    • Capacity 4 Health: Basic Data Analysis Webinar

    • Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #1 - Overview

    • The COUNTIF Function in MS Excel

    • Excel 2013 Tutorial - COUNTA Formula

    • Excel Formula Basics: How to use the SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE formulas to set up summary tables

    • Evaluation Research Team: Analyzing Quantitative Data for Evaluation

    • Using Excel to Manage Survey Questions (UWEX)

  • 10

    Lesson 09: Analyzing & Interpreting Qualitative Data

    • Qualitative analysis of interview data: A step-by-step guide

    • Using Qualitative Data in Program Evaluation: Telling the Story of a Prevention Program

  • 11

    Lesson 10: Learning from Evidence--Internal & External Communication

    • The Four Pillars of Effective Visualizations by IBM Visual Analytics

    • Social Impact Design: Creating a Culture of Storytelling & Evaluation

    • How to Show Survey Results in PowerPoint : Infographics Series

    • SRP: Using data to tell your story and evaluate your program

    • Using Graphs and Charts to Illustrate Quantitative Data

    • Planning Dialogues With Community Stakeholders

    • Evaluation Report Checklist by Gary Miron

    • How Can We Avoid Blaming the Victim when we Present Information on Poor Outcomes...

    • Data & Design: A simple introduction to preparing and visualizing information by Chiasson et al.

    • Using Graphics to Report Evaluation Results by Program Development & Evaluation University of Wisconsin Extension

    • Planning Knowledge Mobilization

    • Communicating Evaluation Results

    • 45 Ways to Communicate Two Quantities by Santiago Ortiz

    • Finding a Factoid Story: Worksheet

    • Picking a Presentation Technique

    • Capaicty 4 Health- Make it count: How to share your evaluation results in a meaningful way

    • 10 free tools for creating infographics

    • The Data Visualization Catalogue

    • Chart Suggestions- A Thought Starter

    • Knowledge Translation Network's Evidence for Success

    • CDC's Clear Writing Checklist

    • Communicating Evaluation Findings: The 5Ws and 1H!

    • Communicating Evaluation Findings: You Told Us, We Listened

    • Evaluation Report Checklist

  • 12

    Additional Resources

    • Additional Resources